Hands Holding Me Global Foundation Corp (HHMGF)
is a charitable organization that aims to support vulnerable men, women, children the elderly, and widows, through the provision of critical supplies.
Hands Holding me Global Foundation Corp
How Our Founder Overcame Hardship to Dedicate Her Life to Others
Elaine Anderson is the founder of Hands Holding Me Global Foundation Corp. This foundation is a charitable foundation service, coordination of the procurement and distribution of in-kind donations of necessary goods for provision to underprivileged families across the world; charitable foundation services. We currently operate in the United States, Africa, and Brazil, with a driving goal to continue extending outreach efforts globally. Hands Hold Me Global Foundation Corp would love to reach everyone who needs support, no matter what soil they reside upon. This can only be done with your help. The Foundation was Established, 11/11/2020 and is Registered with the Department of State, and Trademark in the United States.
Hands Holding Me Global Foundation cor.
is committed to helping those in need, regardless of their ethnic background. We help humanity.
" for I was hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came onto me."
Matthew 25 : vs 35,36
Hands holding me global foundation corp